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Be The Church

How will you Be the Church? What would the church look like if we were all engaged and serving God’s people? How can you be a part of Christ’s mission at LSCC to Love God, Love Others and Be The…


Philippians: Spiritual Disciplines

This week we look at chapter 4, and what it has to say about conflict. Get this week’s Notes and Bulletin: HERE Get more info on Going Beyond with Priscilla Shirer: HERE Get more info on True Girl Pajama Party…


Going Beyond

“Going Beyond” Simulcast with Priscilla Shirer Saturday, April 25 9:30am-5:30pm Thousands of women from around the world will be tuning in to dig into God’s word together, and we want YOU to be with us! The cost of the event is $25…


True Girl Event

TRUE GIRL: Pajama Party Tour Tuesday, April 28 6:30pm-9:00pm Join us at the True Girl Pajama Party Tour! For 2 ½ hours, you and your 7-12-year-old daughter will have uninterrupted bonding time growing closer to each other and closer to…


Philippians: Moving Forward

We dig into chapter 3 of Philippians and what it has to say about getting over the past and keeping our focus on our mission to Love God, Love Others, and Be the Church. Get this week’s Notes and Bulletin:…


Philippians: Salvation & Grace

Continuing into Philippians Chapter 3, Paul tells us where to look to find salvation: true joy. Get this week’s Bulletin & Notes: HERE


Philippians: Mission-Minded

Justin is here discussing what Paul has to say about each of our roles in the Church. Get this week’s Notes and Bulletin HERE. Get more information on Celebrate Recovery’s information meeting HERE.