COVID Update | March 18
We wanted to update you on some really cool things happening around LSCC that will allow you and those around Marquette and the Upper Peninsula to connect with God and each other!
Online Worship Experience
As we continue to use the online worship experience, we’re putting our very best effort into making it the best it can be. While it may feel a lot different than meeting together in person, we encourage you to engage in the experience using the chat feature, singing along with the worship, and opening your Bibles to read along with the Scripture. An e-bulletin will continue to be provided.
Speaking of the Sunday worship experience, we anticipate not only live-streaming the service from this Sunday, but also utilizing Facebook Live to help reach an even greater audience! In the next day or two, those that follow us on Facebook may be seeing some test spots as we dial in that functionality.
LSCC on TV & Beyond
Something we’re very excited to announce is that starting tomorrow morning, LSCC will be providing TV6 with a 1-minute devotional we’re calling “Power UP with Lake Superior Christian Church.” This devotional is designed to uplift and provide encouragement through these uncertain times. A new devotional will air each weekday, first as part of the morning news, then scattered in throughout the day, including some primetime spots. These devotionals will also be shown on TV6’s social media platform, the LSCC Facebook page, and
These spots were made possible through a generous member of LSCC as well as the generosity of TV6. All of the media making this possible is put together and produced in-house by our talented team here at LSCC. Praise the Lord that LSCC is in a position to interact with our community not just with a Sunday worship experience, but through these new, daily interactions! Be sure to like and share on Facebook so we can connect the Gospel to as many people as we can during this uncertain time.
Navigate Children’s Ministry
As well, we’ll be providing engaging children’s content. Keep an eye out in your e-mail, on our Navigate Children’s Ministry Facebook page, and your mailbox for worship videos, stories and lessons, games, activities, and Bible challenges! Our children’s staff is dedicated to keeping your kids in their Bibles during this time. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions! E-mail Stephanie, anytime!
Awaken Youth
Awaken Youth families—be on the lookout for some videos from Luke Trombley, our Youth Intern. Luke will be using these videos to connect and engage with students and their families over the coming weeks.
Ministry Continues
While much of what’s going on around us has slowed or come to a halt, know that we’re working hard here at the church to continue to reach new people for Christ and give believers ways to engage. Ministry continues. Financial support of our partners and missionaries continues. So, it’s important that we continue to support the church financially. The easy, safe, and secure way to give right now is at Please contact us if you need help with online giving. Feel free to drop off or mail in checks as well. Thanks for your continued generosity!