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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category:

Women’s Bible Studies

Ladies, you are invited to join in one of our winter Radiant Bible studies! Choose either the Tuesday morning or Tuesday evening study and sign up below! You can pay online when you register, or you can pay by cash or check at the first session. Both studies will start on February 5th at LSCC.

The Morning Study

Our morning study will be “Children of the Day” by Beth Moore. Walk the shores of Thessalonica with this verse-by-verse Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. During this nine week study, you’ll learn how to let go of past mistakes and discover your circumstances are not coincidental – God’s timing is impeccable! Whether you’re facing family crises, medical diagnoses, relationship troubles, doubts, or fears, you’ll come away encouraged that even though it may not feel that way, you are exactly where Christ wants you to be!

“You are children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5

The Evening Study

Our evening study will be “Unexpected” by Christine Caine. Is it possible to have peace in an uncertain world? To not only expect the unexpected but embrace it? Most of us want to have life under control. But God wants us to anticipate the unexpected with a faith deeply rooted in his goodness. He wants us to know that because he is in control, we don’t have to be.

In Unexpected, we walk into the life God has for us—unknowns and all. Using dramatic examples from her own journey, Christine offers real-life strategies and biblical inspiration to help us move from fear and worry about ourselves to hope and trust in God. As we learn new ways to manage disappointment, strengthen our hearts, and build our faith, we can enjoy a new adventure with God that is more fulfilling than any day we spend trying to anticipate what will happen next.

Stepping into our God-given destiny means stepping into the unknown, but we can embrace that calling because God knows it already. Nothing in our lives takes God by surprise. So even in the midst of personal upheaval, relational challenges, financial stresses, family transitions, career disappointments, and chaotic world affairs, we can expect God to be good and do good. What other expectation do we need to have? Listen to God’s dare to trust him in every unknown of your life today.

Get signed up!

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category:

Women’s Bible Studies

LSCC on the Big Screen

We had the honor of spending time with LSCC’s very own super-hero to create a commercial that is now showing in the Thomas Theatre before each and EVERY movie shown. This is an easy way to let people know where you attend church!