The Art of Parenting

No matter how old your children are, you are invited to join us for a group parenting study! We will be doing “The Art of Parenting” study. Meetings will be on Sunday mornings at 9am sharp starting September 29 and ending on November 24. Childcare is provided! The cost is $12 per couple!

Parenting… it’s not all on you!

Being a mom or dad is one of the most rewarding jobs you’ll ever have. And one of the most challenging. The baby that won’t sleep grows into a toddler that won’t eat who becomes an adolescent that won’t communicate. Not every day is a bad day, but all parents need some help and encouragement along the way.

There is an approach to parenting that can reduce the stress and increase the harmony in your home. Based on decades of teaching from Dennis and Barbara Rainey, and featuring insights from other notable parenting advisors, FamilyLife’s Art of Parenting highlights the core issues that every parent and child need to address together.

Get signed up here