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Worship and Media Training

We have an incredible team. That team also has many members that are seldom all in the same place at the same time. So, to ensure that everybody is on the same page and to avoid any possibility of confusion or conflict, all existing and new team members are asked to review the following training and guidelines. 

Planning Center

PlanningCenter is our “Hub” for scheduling, planning, and communication within the Worship and Media teams. All volunteers are expected to use planningcenter to Accept or Decline scheduled positions, add “blockout dates” for unavailable dates, as well as review and practice music.

You may access PlanningCenter at or by using the iOS or android app. 

Scheduling: You’ll periodically receive emails requesting you to serve on certain weeks. It is incredibly helpful when you take a moment to “Accept” or “Decline” each invitation. Even if you need to decline, your response is vital to the leading and scheduling process.

Blockout dates: I know it could make some people feel rotten to add a bunch of dates that they’re not available, but we cannot encourage this enough. We love having you serve, but knowing which dates you’re not available streamlines the scheduling process and helps to avoid scheduling conflicts. In your planning center profile, you will find a button labeled “Blockout Dates.” If you have trouble adding some dates, contact the ministry leader.


Music: In the service order, as you hover over a song, you’ll see a music icon, or a number in the “attachments” column. Use either of these to find the Chord sheets and the other resources we have available. If you need something else, let the ministry leader know: we would be happy to provide you with every tool we can.

Your Mic/Pack

Each week, we make a list of who will be using what equipment. If you are assigned Mic/Pack A, then you will be using the Microphone labeled “A” as well as the wireless in-ear pack labeled “A.” If B, then Mic/pack B and so on. Fresh batteries are located in the second drawer. Some mics require a special battery located in the receivers on the rack in the back room.

In-Ear Mix

We have the ability to control our in-ear mixes individually using a smartphone or similar device.

WiFi: In order to connect to the soundboard, you must be on a certain network. Open your network settings. Since this network is hidden you’ll have to select “Add Network,” or “Other.” In the network name, type in: worship There is no password.

Download “M-32q” on iOS  or android. When prompted enter the IP address: and select connect. You should get a green symbol saying you’re connected. At the top, you will see something like “A-name.” Select this and find your “bus.” The bus should be labeled according to your assigned mic/pack mentioned above.

Turn your phone sideways, and every channel you see can be turned up or down in your ears. Your mic channel will be labeled the same as your bus.

If you run into problems, the sound technician also has the ability to adjust your in-ear mix.


You may not be considered LSCC staff, but you are constantly being looked to for direction both on and off the stage. As such, these policies are expected to be upheld both on and off stage.

“We live in such a way that no one will stumble because of us, and no one will find fault with our ministry.”
2 Corinthians 6:3

Conflict Resolution

In every team working closely together, as we do, there is bound to be some form of conflict at times. Should an issue arise, it is our expectation that each member of the team follows the biblical pattern for conflict resolution found in Matthew 18:15-17.

Go first to that person with your issue. If that doesn’t work, bring a neutral third party to help resolve the issue. Otherwise you absolutely may come to ministry leadership to help in resolving any conflict. 

Remember to approach your brother or sister is Christ with love, respect, and humility (1 Peter 3:8-12)

Our team is a family, and as such, we should always seek to build each other up even in times of disagreement and conflict.

Dress Code

We want to eliminate any issue that may be distracting from worship, or could cause a brother or sister to stumble in their faith, and unfortunately that can sometimes come from our clothing. That being said, clothing should be at all times modest with the intention to direct our, and the congregation’s attention on God, Worship, Prayer and Message.

Incase you may be uncertain of what could be distracting here are some specific examples.

  • Shorts, Skirts, or Dresses higher than 2 inches above the knee
  • Spaghetti straps or tops that expose bra straps.
  • Tank or Tube Tops
  • Midriff exposure
  • Clingy material, tight tops or bottoms.
  • Low-cut blouses or dresses that reveal cleavage
  • Backless shirts or dresses
  • Ripped up tops or bottoms
  • Tops with distracting or inappropriate graphics.

Should a team member’s dress be considered “inappropriate,” this issue will be addressed by the Ministry leader or the acting leader in case of absence. If it is not possible to find an alternative clothing option in time for a service or event, you may be asked to not participate in that week’s service.

Social Media Policy

Lake Superior Christian Church (LSCC), generally views creating or contributing to personal websites, blogs, social networks, message boards, virtual worlds, and other kinds of social media positively. We recognize the desire of many of our employees to participate in online community and encourage this form of networking and idea exchange.
As an employee/volunteer of LSCC, you may be seen by our members, attendees, and outside parties as a representative of our organization. That means that while you may view your online presence as a personal project, many readers will associate you and the views you express with us. Considering that, we ask that you observe the guidelines outlined below.
Please keep in mind that these guidelines will continue to evolve as new social networking technologies emerge. If you have questions, please contact the Administrative Minister.

Maintain confidentiality: Ask permission before reporting on conversations or meetings that are meant to be private or for internal use only. Do not disclose any information, pictures, or videos that are confidential or proprietary to LSCC. This includes information that will become public, but has not yet been announced or posted.

Copyright and/or Proprietary Information, Pictures, or Video: All LSCC environment names, copyrights, and trademarks are the property of LSCC and should be used according to our guidelines. You may embed or link LSCC-owned video, graphics, or other materials, including program or line-cut video from services or events, to your site if they have been posted publicly by LSCC on ministry-owned websites, blogs, or social media sites. In all cases, LSCC should be credited for the materials. Otherwise, LSCC-owned material should not be posted on your site.

Please do not post any content that is the property of another individual or company unless you have written permission or are sure that the use of the material is legally permitted. This is your responsibility and LSCC will not provide you with legal advice regarding copyrights.

Use good judgment: Remember that what you write is public. You should always assume that it will be read by your boss, your co-workers, church volunteers and attendees, other church leaders, your parents, your children, your spouse, and the attorney for the person who doesn’t like you.

What you write is your responsibility and you are legally responsible for your comments. Write as yourself. Use your real name. If you choose to identify yourself as a leader of LSCC or to discuss anything related to the organization, be clear about your role. Be accurate in what you write and ensure that you have all the facts about your subject. If you make a mistake, admit it and be quick to correct it.

Be careful that what you write would not impair your ability to work with your staff team, lead your volunteer teams, speak with credibility to other churches, or represent us in the community. Remember that frustrations are best expressed in person. Sarcasm does not usually translate well, so be careful how you use humor.

Respect your audience. Be thoughtful. Don’t refer to volunteers, attendees, or vendors by name without permission. Don’t post pictures of others without permission. Don’t use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conversation that would not be acceptable in our workplace.

Choose your topics wisely. There are some ideas that are best discussed in a personal conversation rather than a public forum. These might include political views and the church’s stance or policy on certain topics. Don’t allow your posts to hinder someone’s spiritual growth. Remember that what you write, even if retracted, is archived and can be with you longer than you might expect. Advertise wisely: Should you choose to advertise on your site, to the extent you have control, ensure that the ads are consistent with our values.

Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions, concerns, or need more clarification on anything stated here, please contact the ministry leader or Executive Pastor. The staff at LSCC is more than happy to address any questions or concerns that you have. If you would like, you may download the Guidines and Training Document for you own records HERE.